vineri, 9 decembrie 2011

I'd marry you for your money in a minute

Tocmai ce am terminat de citit Mic dejun la Tiffany  si mi-a adus aminte de film. M-am hotarat sa revad cateva faze din unul dintre filmele mele preferate.

Holly: I'll tell you one thing, Fred, darling... I'd marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money?
Paul: In a minute.
Holly: I guess it's pretty lucky neither of us is rich, huh?

Holly: Well, when I get it the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab and go to Tiffany's. Calms me down right away. The quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real-life place that'd make me feel like Tiffany's then - then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name!

O.J.: Hey, Fred-baby!
Paul: No, no. It's Paul-baby.

Celebra scena de inceput ce a revolutionat industria filmului si pe care oricine ar trebui sa o vada macar o data in viata.

Paul o surpinde de Holly cantand pe scara de incendiu asa cum canta de fiecare data dupa facea baie pe cap  asteptand sa i se usuce parul :D. Si tot timpul canta aceeasi melodie

Bineinteles scena finala

 Si altele

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